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By using this site's services, such as the image hosting, you agree to the following:

1. While content of user's submitted materials is filtered as best as we can, the site's owner, webhost provider, and anyone else involved with the creation and maintaince of this site are not responsible for any user's material.

2. Any materials in violation of this policy will be removed asap upon discovery or notification. This includes but is not limited to services such as the image hosting.

3. Materials containing any profane, sexual, violent, grusome, illegal or generally disturbing content are not allowed and will be removed. Please keep content in the PG/PG13 range only.

4. The site's owner, webhost provider, and anyone else involved with the creation and maintaince of this site are not responsible for any problems or damages resulting from use of any of the services of the site, they are provided as is.

5. Illegal materials are NOT allowed period, anyone found to have submitted illegal materials will be banned and the materials removed.

6. Services are provided as a courtesy, abuse will NOT be tolerated.

7. Note: Your IP address and other information may be stored when you use any of the site's services.